
Yasmeen Asali

I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Astronomy Department at Yale University working with the SAGA Survey.


A boutique Jekyll theme for hackers, nerds, and academics. Hello Test.

  1. Hydejack
  2. A Personal Site That Won’t Disappear
  3. A Free Blogging Theme
  4. An Impressive Portfolio
  5. A Printable Resume
  6. Just Markdown
  7. Just Markup
  8. Syntax Highlighting
  9. Beautiful Math
  10. Build an Audience
  11. Features
  12. Outreach and Mentoring
  13. Service
  14. Comparison
  15. Get It Now


Hydejack’s cover page on a variety of screen sizes.

Hydejack is a boutique Jekyll theme for hackers, nerds, and academics, with a focus on personal sites that are meant to impress.

It includes a blog that is suitable for both prose and technical documentation, a portfolio to showcase your projects, and a resume template that looks amazing on the web and in print.

Your complete presence on the web — A blog, portfolio, and resume.

A Personal Site That Won’t Disappear

Hydejack is 100% built on Open Source software, and is Open Source itself, save for parts of the PRO version. The PRO version is a one-time payment that gives you the right to use it forever.

Hydejack is all static sites. HTML. All you need is a web server — any web server — to have a professional web presence that lasts a lifetime.

A Free Blogging Theme

Hydejack started out as a free blogging theme for Jekyll — and continues to be so.

An Impressive Portfolio

A portfolio that’s guaranteed to be impressive — no matter what you put into it.

A Printable Resume

Get a resume that’s consistent across the board — whether it’s on the web, mobile, print, or PDF.

Resume PDF

Front and center page of a print resume generated by Hydejack.

Just Markdown

Write all content with Markdown. Hydejack gives you additional CSS classes to stylize your content, without losing compatibility with other Jekyll themes.

Just Markup

Hydejack boasts a plethora of modern JavaScript, but make no mistake: It’s still a plain old web page at its core. It works without JavaScript and you can even view it in a text-based browser like w3m:

w3m Screenshot

The Hydejack blog, as seen by the text browser w3m.

Syntax Highlighting

Hydejack features syntax highlighting, powered by Rouge.

<!-- file: `_includes/my-body.html` -->
<script type="module">
  document.querySelector("hy-push-state").addEventListener("hy-push-state-load", () => {
    const supportsCodeHighlights = false; // TBD!!

Code blocks can have a filename and a caption.

Beautiful Math

They say math is beautiful — and with Hydejack’s math support it’s guaranteed to also look beautiful: \[\begin{aligned} \phi(x,y) &= \phi \left(\sum_{i=1}^n x_ie_i, \sum_{j=1}^n y_je_j \right) \\[2em] &= \sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j=1}^n x_i y_j \phi(e_i, e_j) \\[2em] &= (x_1, \ldots, x_n) \left(\begin{array}{ccc} \phi(e_1, e_1) & \cdots & \phi(e_1, e_n) \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ \phi(e_n, e_1) & \cdots & \phi(e_n, e_n) \end{array}\right) \left(\begin{array}{c} y_1 \\ \vdots \\ y_n \end{array}\right) \end{aligned}\]

Hydejack uses KaTeX to efficiently render math.

Build an Audience

The PRO version has built-in support for customizable Tinyletter newsletter subscription boxes.

If you are using a different service like MailChimp, you can build a custom newsletter subscription box using Custom Forms.


Increasing the accesibility and inclusivity of science is deeply important to me, and below are some of the ways I engage with both my professional and public communities.

Outreach and Mentoring



There are two versions of Hydejack: The Free Version includes basic blogging functionality and most of Hydejack’s Features, such as dynamic page loading and advanced animations.

The PRO Version includes additional features for professionals, such as a portfolio, resume, Dark Mode, Forms, Built-In Search and customizable cookie banners.

The table below shows what’s included in each version:

Printable Resume 
Dark Mode 
Built-In Search 
Custom Forms 
Newsletter Box 
Grid layout 
Offline Support 
Table of Contents1 
Cookie Banner 
No Hydejack Branding 
PriceFree$99 $69 One-Time Payment 2
 DownloadBuy PRO

Get It Now

Use the the form below to purchase Hydejack PRO:

  1. Large screens (> 1664px width) only. ↩︎

  2. Price now permanently reduced by 30%! Use the offer code QR0TW8M to apply this discount later.

    If you’re upgrading from Hydejack 8, find your upgrade discount code in the latest zip download. ↩︎